Keiji, a modern young college student, is unexpectedly hurled into the past. Known as “The Traveler,” he learns he now has a superhuman ability and Earth is far different than anything he ever imagined.
The planet is the focus of intergalactic attention where an imminent attack leads to an impending apocalypse. The only hope for the future lies with the Kantara Scrolls which hold the secrets to overcoming a growing malevolent force.
The Traveler embarks on a crusade to find the Kantara Scrolls. His heroic adventure will lead him to unimaginable marvels where he will be joined by dynamic characters as they head toward a climactic confrontation with an unforeseen enemy.
Bookfest Book Awards – First Place: Aliens & Alien Invaction & YA Science Fiction (Fall 2023)
Bookfest Book Awards – Second Place: Sci-Fi Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic, & Time Travel (Fall 2023)
Firebird Book Awards from Speak Up Talk Radio – First Place: YA Science Fiction & YA Time Travel (2023)