A Goofy Grandfather Conversation Inspired a Book 15 Years Later

Goofy Grandparent Conversation that led to a book.

A Goofy Grandfather Conversation Inspired a Book 15 Years Later My Grandfather My grandfather, having worked at White Sands Missile Range for a number of years, retired in 1979, and he spent nearly 30 years enjoying life. He was reclusive, spending most of his time programming, building computers, and playing chess against a computer. He […]

Fond Memories of 1989’s Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

I had fond memories of Star Trek V, and I appreciated the adventure between Star Trek's IV and VI when I felt like we got a bit of an episodic tale from the adventures of 1701-A.

Fond Memories of 1989’s Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Blockbuster cinema: summer of 1989 It was the summer of 1989, and I was ready for my break from high school. I had many fond memories of that summer. To say that I was a Star Trek fan is an understatement, and that was one […]

Stanton Friedman – Ufologist

Stanton Friedman – Ufologist Story by: Stephen Weller Edited by: Tricia Collom Illustration by: Jesseca Chester Many people associate UFOs (unidentified flying objects) with ‘flying saucers’ piloted by extraterrestrial intelligence from another planet. Students of this subject, commonly referred to as ‘ufologists’, dare to seek the answer to the question of whether humans are alone […]

Remembering Nichelle Nichols

Remembering Nichelle Nichols Author: Stephen Weller | Editor: Tricia Collom On September 8th, 1966, Star Trek aired on television for the first time. Fifty years later, on September 24th, 2016, I finally met the woman who brought kindness, love, and maturity to the bridge of the Enterprise. Prior to Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols was already recognized as a talented […]